Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Spring Preparations

March 28, 2019
J. McLellan 267-2542
Emergency Management


With spring well on its way, Dane County residents should be thinking about severe weather precautions now:

  1. Home owners and renters – check your insurance policy.  Of the 1,292 claims submitted to FEMA from the August 2018 flooding, only 55 (4%) had flood insurance.  Flood insurance and sewer back-up insurance cover two different types of flood hazards; speak with your insurance agent about both.  Educate yourself on the different options for flood insurance (National Flood Insurance Program –  ANYONE can purchase flood insurance regardless of where they live in relation to a mapped floodplain.  The price of flood insurance reflects your level of flood risk.  Only insurance companies that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) can sell flood insurance.
  2. Ensure water has a way to drain away from your home.  Clear your gutters, downspouts, basement window wells, and storm drains. 
  3. Move valuables out of harms way.  Place items in plastic tubs to keep them from getting wet.  Move valuable items off basement floors.  Move heirlooms and irreplaceable items out of the basement and document them with photographs.


It is important to act now.  Flood insurance policies usually do not go into effect until 30 days after the date of purchase.


All residential insurance covers fire damage but citizens have to make special provisions for flooding hazards.  County Executive Joe Parisi strongly encourages citizens to protect themselves.


“It’s a good idea to check with your insurance agent about your coverage to ensure you are protected,” said Parisi. “Every year, more homes in Dane County are affected by flooding than fire. Despite this, many residents have fire insurance and very few have flood insurance.”


Emergency Management Director Charles Tubbs said “Preparedness is about taking action BEFORE the emergency.  It is important to prepare for flooding before the rain comes.”


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