Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Parisi/Pocan letter to the Secretaries of the US Dept of Health & Human Services and Agriculture

February 18, 2015
Joshua Wescott, Dane County Executive Office, 608-266-9069, or Alex Nguyen, Office of Congressman Mark Pocan, 202-226-6724
County Executive



Good morning:


Please find attached a communication from Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and Wisconsin 2nd District Congressman Mark Pocan to the Secretaries of the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture regarding Governor Walker’s budget.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either myself at 608-266-9069 or Alex Nguyen in Congressman Pocan’s Office at 202-226-6724.


Thank you.


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