Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Dane County to Award Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance over $900,000 for 348-Acre Conservation Purchase

June 14, 2024, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Today, County Executive Jamie Kuhn announced Dane County will award Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (SWBA) over $900,000 to acquire approximately 348 acres in the Town of Christiana. Through this collaboration, this purchase will permanently preserve the large tract of land for birds and other wildlife, restore significant acreage to prairie, and provide outdoor recreational activities and educational opportunities for the public.

“Prioritizing conservation efforts is essential for our community now and for future generations,” said Executive Kuhn. “We are excited to partner with Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance on this property purchase. We are thankful for the Gunnulson family and their dedication to caring for this land, ensuring we protect it, and create an opportunity for the public to access and explore this amazing area.”

The property has been in the Gunnulson family for nearly two centuries and has not been row cropped for the past 30 years. The grasslands provide crucial habitat for wildlife, including birds such as bobolink and dickcissel, and the native milkweed provides needed monarch habitat.

Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (SWBA), formerly known as Madison Audubon Society, applied to the Dane County Conservation Fund Grant Program for financial assistance for the acquisition. The property is approximately two miles south of CamRock County Park in between CTH A and CTH A on Hillside Road. It contains a farmstead, 270 acres of cool season grasses, 51 acres of woods, and 19 acres that SWBA worked with David Gunnulson on to restore to prairie. The property will be known as Koshkonong Prairie Sanctuary, once acquired.

“David Gunnulson’s property is a unique place with rich history and beautiful natural features,” said Matt Reetz, Executive Director of Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance. “We are so excited about the opportunity to protect and celebrate this land, which provides crucial habitat for grassland birds and other native species that are at risk.”

The estimated project cost for the acquisition is $2,404,120. SWBA was awarded a Knowles Nelson Stewardship grant in the amount of $1,491,000 and is seeking a Dane County Conservation Fund grant for the remaining funds. The Dane County Park Commission recently recommended granting up to $912,900 in county matching funds.

“I am truly excited to see this project move forward. For years, Cambridge has shown its dedication to nature and environmental conservation, from the creation of CamRock Park in the 1970s to the establishment of the Severson Learning Center and Koshkonong Trails charter school, which focuses on environmental and agricultural studies within the Cambridge School District,” said Dane County Board Supervisor Kerry Marren. “I am confident that this new wildlife sanctuary will continue to boost local biodiversity by providing a natural refuge for wildlife. Additionally, I am hopeful that it will help bring balance to a community that will soon host a 4,600-acre solar site, replacing much of the area's open fields and farmland. I look forward to seeing more projects like this throughout Dane County.”

A resolution to approve the allocation of up to $912,900 for SWBA to make this property purchase was introduced to the Dane County Board earlier this month. It is expected to be approved in the coming weeks.

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