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County Executive's Office

Dane County Regional Housing Strategy Set to Kick-Off Tonight

September 28, 2022
County Board Chair Patrick Miles, (608) 886-9167
County Board

Community leaders and stakeholders from across Dane County will gather tonight to begin a year-long process to develop a vision for the future of housing in Dane County for the next 10 to 20 years. Last spring the Dane County Board of Supervisors heard a presentation from Oliva Parry in Dane County Planning and Development, on an upcoming regional housing strategy to address gaps in affordable, workforce housing. The Regional Housing Strategy is set to kick off tonight at 6:30 at the Lussier Family Heritage Center.


The Regional Housing Strategy will build on the work Dane County, communities, and organizations are doing to address the housing supply gap, and meet the needs of residents and the region’s employers.

Components of this work will include comprehensive community engagement and a broad-based advisory team from the region including residents, non-profit representatives, large employers, elected officials, small businesses, housing stakeholders and agencies, local government staff, builders and developers.

The Dane County Regional Housing Strategy (RHS) was launched to address the housing shortage by bringing the community together to take the next steps forward in:

  • Building on local and regional efforts
  • Celebrating the unique character of our communities
  • Assessing ongoing challenges
  • Identifying and strengthening regional collaboration and partnerships
  • Creating a vision for the future of housing in Dane County for the next 10-20 years
  • Opening doors for our Dane County workforce–school teachers, entry-level
  • professionals, public safety professionals, maintenance and service employees–as well as families with children, residents of color, seniors, and those with disabilities

County Board Chair Patrick Miles, who will give remarks at tonight’s first meeting said “I’m looking forward to this process and the future, where we can coordinate efforts across the County to be able to meet the growing and urgent need to provide affordable and accessible housing to every resident of the County.”  
More information can be found here: 

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