Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Safe Driving Practices Around Farm Equipment

April 27, 2022
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

It may not feel like spring, but for local farmers, spring preparation and planting is in full swing. The Dane County Sheriff’s Office is asking motorists who travel rural roads to be aware of equipment around farm fields that may hinder traffic.

Motorists are asked to drive with caution and be patient when encountering farm equipment that may be partially blocking a lane or moving slowly. Avoid distractions and be mindful of speed limits. In 2014, it became illegal to pass farm equipment or Ag-Commercial vehicles in a no-passing zone. Motorists should wait until they enter a passing zone when considering going around a slow-moving vehicle.

Farmers are asked to be diligent about utilizing lights, flashers and/or reflective tape to increase their visibility. Safety should be top priority for everyone on the road. 

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