Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

Flood Safety Awareness Week

March 01, 2022
J. McLellan, 608-219-9552
Emergency Management

February 28 – March 4, 2022 is Flood Safety Awareness Week in Wisconsin.  While things are generally frozen outside, now is the time to start thinking about flooding from winter melt and potentially heavy spring rains.


Critical to avoiding flood related problems is knowing your risk.  In the 2018 floods, the vast majority of FEMA flood damage claims were outside of mapped flood zones.  The Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance’s Office has an excellent website that includes facts about and guidance for purchasing flood insurance –  Home owners AND renters can purchase flood insurance.


Spring flooding events usually result from a rapid melt, a heavy rain, or a combination of both.  To reduce the risk of spring flooding problems, ensure water can drain from areas that normally drain in warmer weather; clear gutters and downspouts, move or remove snow/ice mounds that could form a moat around your house, and clear ice from storm drains.  If you are near a body of water, consistently monitor the water level so you can act BEFORE flooding occurs.  To reduce your potential for loss, move any valuables (e.g. photographs, books, electronics, etc.) out of the basement, ensure the back-flow preventer in your basement drain is functioning properly, and review your insurance policy with your agent to determine what is and is not covered by insurance.


“We've experienced firsthand the devastating effects flooding can have on a community,” Dane County Executive Joe Parisi said.  “As the climate continues to change, it's important we plan for what's to come and remain vigilant.  That's why Dane County continues to reduce the risk of flooding along the Yahara River through our sediment removal project and clear obstructions that can slow or back up the flow of water in the Yahara Chain of Lakes.”


“While we continue to organize and lead mitigation efforts to reduce flood risk before a flood, Dane County is prepared to help municipal emergency flood fighting efforts” Director of Dane County Emergency Management Charles A. Tubbs, Sr. said.  “We have specialized resources that can be mobilized across the county to help build temporary flood walls to divert flood waters.  We have arrangements with local suppliers for sand.  We have thousands of sand bags available to support municipal flood fighting efforts.  Dane County Emergency Management stands ready to support municipalities in emergencies.”


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