Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office


February 02, 2022
County Board Supervisor Chuck Erickson, (608) 212-8753
County Board

Dane County’s sister county of Kassel, Germany has again invited two local artists to spend two weeks in Kassel creating a piece of art for an art exhibition occurring simultaneously with the documenta, one of the most important exhibitions of modern and contemporary art in the world.  Kassel is offering this extraordinary opportunity for two artists to participate in the EUARCA+ 2022, an arts camp organized and hosted by the County of Kassel for its sister regions in Europe, as well as Dane County. 


Participating artists will work and stay at the Youth Education Site Sensenstein for over two weeks in August 2022 during documenta 15 and create new artwork to be exhibited and cataloged.  On August 20 there will be an exhibition of the works. EUARCA+ 2022 participants will connect with one another and local Kassel artists, be involved in offering public engagement opportunities, and visit documenta 15.  The EUARCA+ 2022 theme is "snapshot", a topic open to interpretation by the artist.


"Dane County is proud to have a robust artistic community," said County Executive Joe Parisi. "This is a great opportunity for local artists to showcase their talent to the world. We encourage every Dane County artist interested in attending the exhibition to apply."


The Dane County-Kassel relationship dates to 2007 when two counties entered into a formal sister county partnership.  The agreement is designed to exchange ideas and build both economic and cultural partnerships.  With a population of approximately 200,000, Kassel is smaller than Dane County (population 560,000) but shares many of the same characteristics including a university and an emerging high-tech sector.


"Dane County is in its 15th year of partnership with Kassel, built on arts and cultural exchange," said Supervisor Chuck Erickson, the chair of the Kassel-Dane Sister County Task Force. "Creativity knows no borders, and this invitation to participate in EUARCA+ 2022 underscores the interconnectedness of our communities."


The artists’ expenses will be paid through EUARCA+ 2022, in addition to a stipend from Dane County.  Applications from individual artists living in Dane County are being accepted now, and are due March 14, 2022 at 4 p.m.  The participants will be selected by the Dane County Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission following a peer review process.


More information is available at:


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