Seal of Dane County County of Dane
County Executive's Office

County Executive Parisi Statement: Dane County Reaches Covid-19 Hospitalization Record

October 05, 2020
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following statement as hospitalizations for Covid-19 have reached a new record high in Dane County:

“We are in this together and our community is strong. Our thoughts go out to the increasing number of families in our community facing the worry and uncertainty of having loved ones in the hospital with Covid-19.

“More people are getting sick, some of them seriously. Hospitals are filling up. Now is the time for all of us to look at our days and identify steps we can all take to help reduce not only the risk to ourselves but also that of those around us. Let's look for ways to consolidate or limit trips out and explore pick-up options to minimize the minutes spent in group settings.

“The convergence of complacency, frustration, and rapid case spread are creating a dangerous combination. As tired as we all are, it's important we stay the course—wear masks, socially distance, and avoid gatherings. Unfortunately, these are the limited tools we each have to help slow the spread of Covid-19.

“We know what we have to do in order to limit the spread of this terrible virus. We need to do it now, for ourselves and for our neighbors.”

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